Date of Award

Spring 1994

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Cariapa, Vikram

Second Advisor

Stango, Robert

Third Advisor

Akbay, Kunter


The mass finishing process has been around for hundreds of years. Yet, virtually no research has been conducted to determine the exact mechanism of wear taking place during the process. The mass finishing industry can only give generalizations of what conditions are best to run the mass finishing machines under. Mass finishing is still an art, even after being used for hundreds of years. Other technologies that have been developed within the last ten to twenty years have ten times the amount of research and literature available than mass finishing. The aim of this research and thesis will be determine what are the best conditions under which to run the mass finishing machines, to determine what factors have the most profound affect on changing the topography of a metal surface exposed to mass finishing.



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