Date of Award

Fall 2001

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

Harris, Gerald F.

Second Advisor

Marks, Richard

Third Advisor

Wang, Mei


Motion analysis has extensive applications in the study of the lower extremity kinetic, kinematic, and electromyographic patterns. The efficacy of the biomechanical model diminishes past the ankle. It is common practice to represent the foot as a rigid body, which is a poor depiction of the true motion that occurs distal to the ankle joint. From published studies, few models include multi-segmental kinematics during both the stance and swing periods of gait. More typically, the biomechanical foot model is constrained to a limited number of segments and includes rotational limitations that restrict joint motion to a single axis of rotation. With regard to the pediatric population, there are only limited biomechanical models to assess foot and ankle motion. As with the adult populations, pediatric models of the foot and ankle strive to accurately describe the complex kinematics of foot motion in order to better understand kinematics, pathology, and to improve treatment. To date, there is no biomechanical model with pediatric applications that have demonstrated validity, accuracy, and reliability. The objective of this study was to develop an accurate biomechanical foot and ankle model to describe the kinematics of pediatric gait during both stance and swing. It was hypothesized that this pediatric system could function with equivalent or greater resolution, accuracy, and reliability when compared to existing adult foot and ankle model systems.



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