Date of Award

Fall 1970

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Zanoni, A. E.

Second Advisor

Crandall, C. J.

Third Advisor

Kipp, R. J.


Methods for the analysis of phosphorus in waters and wastewaters have grown in importance in recent years as sanitary engineers have realized the many ways in which phosphorus compounds affect situations and problems with which they are concerned. Various methods of total phosphours [sic] analysis are available but there is a great amount of variation in the reported procedures. The analyst is often uncertain as to the particular procedure to be employed for the various types of' waters, wastewaters and sludges encountered in the sanitary engineering field. This study was conducted to thoroughly evaluate two such methods, 1. e. the persulfate oxidation and the ashing methods, and to optimize various variables, while at the same time insuring the greatest recovery of phosphorus. Various natural samples in the water and wastewater field ranging from liquid to solids have been analyzed for method evaluation and statistical interpretation.



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