Date of Award

Summer 1991

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Arkadan, Abdul-Rahman A.

Second Advisor

Brown, Ronald H.

Third Advisor

Szews, Alfred P.


A generalized formulation for computer-aided modeling of inverter-fed induction motor systems is presented. A significant advantage of this approach, which makes use of the natural abc frame of reference in the time domain, is that the effects of space harmonics on the machine parameters are directly incorporated in the formulations. Furthermore, the effects of space and time harmonics on the system performance characteristics such as torque and efficiency are incorporated in the analysis. The generalized approach is implemented on inverter-fed induction motor system to study the effects of space harmonics on the system performance. The simulated results are verified by comparison to experimental data. In addition, the approach is used to evaluate the effects of pulse width modulation (PWM) and 120° e and 180° e inverter conduction period on the performance of inverter fed induction motor systems.



Restricted Access Item

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