Date of Award

Spring 1980

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, Thomas K.

Second Advisor

Seitz, Martin A.


The open end of a wide microstrip line is capable of radiation but it has a very large mismatch with the line itself. In this study with the theory derived, the admittance is found and then a new way is introduced to measure this admittance for a line with a width of 30mm at 3 GHz. Then an antenna element, which, in fact, is a shorting stub for matching the above admittance to a 50 Ohm line, is made and VSWR of 1.1 is achieved. Then a rectangular (double slot) microstrip antenna is made and investigated and, by comparing the experimental and theoretical results, the shortcomings of the above theory for this shape of antenna is noted. In all cases, the radiation patterns and frequency bandwidths are measured and discussed. Finally, the antennas are viewed as resonant cavities and using the frequency bandwidths, the Q's of them were found.



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