Date of Award

Summer 1978

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, T. K.

Second Advisor

Sedivy, J. K.

Third Advisor

Szews, A. P.


The conventional hybrid tee is a result of the combination of the E- plane tee and the H- plane tee into one device. The E-H hybrid tee has wide application as impedance bridge, Duplexer, mixer, discriminator, and in cascading of one port amplifier. The field of study in the hybrid tee was widened by introduction of the E-H reentrant tee which interconnects the E and H ports. Such a loop has been studied with reflectionless load. The author has extended the field of study of the E- H reentrant tee to the case of shorting load. A whole new reentrant tee has also been experimented on by interconnecting the collinear ports instead of the E-H ports. This study will help further work on the collinear hybrid tee.



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