Date of Award

Summer 1969

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Hartmann, Alois J.

Second Advisor

Nigro, Nicholas


The communication industry's need for extremely tall towers is not unique to this century. In Biblical times the descendants of Noah living in Babylonia had a custom of building towers which their priests periodically climbed to talk to God. These people became very adept at tower construction and eventually got the notion to build one so high that it would reach into heaven. God didn't like their attitude toward altitude, so he fouled their dialects and sent them wandering over the earth. Man has learned a lesson from this experience. He has stopped trying to communicate with God--at least from tower tops--and now directs his efforts toward recapturing an ability to communicate with his fellow man. Unfortunately, though, the height of his towers still exceeds the height of his technology, as evidenced by the fact that his tall communications towers still occasionally fall down. It was the hope of contributing to this technology concerning towers that motivated the writer to undertake this study.



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