Date of Award

Spring 1972

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Murphy, William G.

Second Advisor

Hartmann, A. J.


The increased use of sites which would previously have been rejected due to poor soil conditions has stimulated research in foundation engineering. Many heavy constructions have chosen to provide adequate support in such sites by means of bearing piles. Several authors have presented papers on the load carrying capacity of piles by carrying out model tests. These tests have been reported in the literature. Nearly all have used a constant rate of loading with a few using lateral dynamic loads. In these studies on model piles, the load carrying capacity has been arrived at by considering the fundamental parameters "c" and "formula" of soil, which are used in the shearing strength Coulomb-Mohr equation for the soil, as constants without regard to the type of loading. In addition to this questionable area, the variation of shearing resistance along the surface of the pile and its neighboring soil with time has been overlooked. The purpose of this work has been to devise a method of dynamic load transfer on a model pile.



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