Date of Award

Summer 1971

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Linehan, John H.

Second Advisor

Richardson, Bobbie L.

Third Advisor

Gaggioli, Richard A.


Low pressure one-component two-phase critical flow studies in long cylindrical tubes were undertaken using Freon-11. Critical discharge pressures from 3.0 to 13.5 psia were observed with measured mass fluxes from 250 to 2100 lbm/ft2 sec in tubes ranging from 25 to 300 length to diameter ratio for varying amounts of entrance subcooling. The effects of four different entrance configurations on mass flux and liquid super-heat were also investigated. Data were also obtained for the critical pressure ratio (ratio of exit pressure to entrance stagnation pressure) variation with entrance subcooling for four different length to diameter ratio tubes. Visual observations of flow regime are related to entrance stagnation conditions. Experimental temperature and pressure profiles at various entrance subcoolings are presented. The data are compared with calculations from three well-known critical flow models.



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