Date of Award

Summer 1963

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, Thomas K.

Second Advisor

Horgan, James D.

Third Advisor

Mertz, R. L.


A recently developed semiconductor device, the tunnel diode, displays capabilities of extremely high frequency operation in theory. Actual diodes are commercially available with cutoff frequencies as high as 30 kMC, but are extremely expensive. If a diode mount can be designed, the less expensive low frequency tunnel diode may be operated at microwave or millimeter-wave frequencies by absorbing the diode's lumped parameters into the distributed parameters of the microwave mount. Such a mount would enable tunnel diodes to be used at frequencies for which tunnel diodes are not available or at which they are extremely expensive, or at which no other device will operate.



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