Date of Award

Fall 1971

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Seitz, Martin A.

Second Advisor

Hirthe, Walter

Third Advisor

Blumenthal, Robert


Titanium metal is used in many demanding applications, for example, titanium skin of high speed aircraft must withstand high temperature and mechanical stress. The demanding nature of applications for the metal has placed a high priority on the study of its oxide. The similarity between Ti02 of the Rutile structure and other semiconducting materials has also prompted studies of its electrical properties. These studies have generated a demand for single crystals of the material. The object of this investigation, supported by Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), is to produce large single crystals of Ti02 (Rutile) having low dislocation. density and high chemical purity. The choice of vapor transport as the growth technique was dictated by these requirements.



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