Date of Award

Spring 1991

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

Linehan, John H.

Second Advisor

Dawson, Christopher A.

Third Advisor

Brower, William E.


This thesis details the development of a steady state hemodynamic morphometrically-based computer model of the dog lung. Chapter I introduces the thesis objective and provides an outline of the thesis. Simply stated, the objective of this thesis is to model the pulmonary circulation of the dog, based on detailed morphometric and distensibility data. The approach taken is to obtain a method for establishing the model vessel number, diameter and length parameters from published human and cat lung data, implement these parameters into a steady state hemodynamic model of the dog lung and evaluate the dog model by comparing the model results to various experimental dog lung data. Chapter II explains previous methods used by various researchers to obtain arterial and venous morphometric data in human, dog and cat species. Power-law relationships between vessel number, diameter and length of published human and cat morphometric data provide the means for establishing the dog model morphometry. Chapter III details the initial dog model morphometry for the arteries, veins and the capillaries. The initial model morphometry is selected using the power-law relationships obtained from the human and cat lungs. Chapter IV details the hemodynamic equations of vascular pressure, vascular resistance, vascular volume and vascular compliance. Chapter V provides an overview of various published methods for determining artery, vein and capillary distensibility values. The dog model distensibility parameters are selected so as to fall within the range of distensibility values obtained from published data. An explanation of the iterative process for calculating steady state hemodynamic values are detailed. And the optimization procedure for determining the final morphometric and distensibility values is discussed. Chapter VI discusses the steady state results of the dog model and compares these values with experimental dog lung data. Chapter VII examines three questions resulting from the selection of the model morphometric and distensibility parameters. First, how well does the model predict data from real lung experiments which are not used to adjust the model morphometry? Second, how sensitive are the model parameters to changes made in the range of experimental values? And third, what unique relationship is revealed by the lung morphometry? Chapter VIII suggests possible future research directions involving a steadystate hemodynamic mathematical dog lung model.



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