Date of Award

Fall 1991

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Brower, W. E.

Second Advisor

Blumenthal, R. N.

Third Advisor

Fournelle, R. A.


In this thesis, the rapid solidification of the YBa2 Cu3 O7 - x compound using the shock tube method was studied as route to continuous production of the 123 superconductor. The as quenched shock tube flakes were characterized using XRD, Debye Scherrer, SEM and the DSC. Phase separation was observed in the as quenched flake. The as quenched flakes were largely glassy and had a Tg (584°C-596°C) below the T cryst. (665°C-780°C ) making it a formable glass (percentage penetration 50% to 55%). Annealing the as quenched products in flowing oxygen for 8 hours at 850°C did not produce the YBa2Cu30r-x Orthorhombic superconducting phase.



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