Date of Award

Spring 1995

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Heinen, James A.

Second Advisor

Niederjohn, Russell J.

Third Advisor

Brown, Ronald H.


A new method of designing FIR digital filters that generalizes existing cascaded FIR prefilter-equalizer methods is presented. The proposed prefilter is a parallel connection of the so-called "recursive running sum" and a very low order FIR filter and has an impressive passband performance. The equalilizer, a FIR filter, is designed via Chan's method for designing FIR filters. The method can be used to implement most practical FIR filters and gives smaller coefficient sensitivity. For a certain class of filter design problems, this method provides a significant reduction in the total number of bits used for the multiplier coefficients. An attractive feature of the proposed method is the applicability to unequally spaced samples due to Chan's technique.



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