Date of Award

Spring 1964

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, T. K.

Second Advisor

Horgan, J.

Third Advisor

Battocletti, Joseph


The operation of inexpensive, packaged, commercially available tunnel diodes at frequencies several times the theoretical frequency limits has been experimentally demonstrated. Through the introduction of a new concept in the interpretation of the tunnel diode equivalent circuit, theoretical verification that the tunnel diode can generate frequencies above the presently accepted resistive cutoff frequency limit is presented. Multi-frequency, simultaneous, fundamental oscillations were experimentally obtained and are here-in reported and theoretically verified. A new phenomena in the realm of tunnel diode oscillators, package resonance, was experimentally discovered and a basic, theoretical explanation of the same is presented.



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