Date of Award

Fall 1977

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Llaurado, Joseph G.

Second Advisor

Seitz, Martin A.

Third Advisor

Sedivy, Jan K.


Approximately two decades have elapsed since researchers found that callus formation could be stimulated by the application of electric current to the femur of an experimental animal. This finding opened the way for more research by many independent workers in a new field -- electric stimulation of osteogenesis. Some researchers noted osteogenesis at the stimulating cathode, also noted necrosis at the stimulating anode. I have attempted to give the reader an overview of some of the early research in electric stimulation of osteogenesis in chapter 1. Electric stimulation of osteogenesis has been accepted and has been used at the clinical level where conventional therapy proved insufficient. The anodal necrosis is not favorable, however. In 1973, I developed the idea of using several anodes to possibly affect the severity of anodal necrosis. The idea provided the foundation for the multiple anode method of stimulation of osteogenesis. The similarities and differences between the single anode and multiple anode methods are covered in chapter II. Although I had sought to compare the multiple anode and single anode methods of electric stimulation of osteogenesis as to the severity of resultant anodal necrosis by some apparently straightforward in vivo experiments, the results of the early experimental work which I attempted (single anode) identified many problem areas and directed be to design and construct a complete research system to make feasible the experiments necessary for the desired comparisons of the two methods. This work, along with some salient points of the single anode work, comprises the majority of the thesis, which is outlined at the end of chapter II. Throughout this thesis I have employed the SI system of units. Where material was specified in the English system of units, or where a measurement was made with an instrument graduated in the English system of units, the appropriate unit conversion was made, and both an SI unit and an English unit are used to express the parameter of interest (28).



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