Date of Award

Summer 1981

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Zanoni, A. E.

Second Advisor

Crandall, C. L.


The phenomena of acid precipitation and its occurrence and effects is a major environmental concern today. This thesis presents a review on the subject. The main objective of this research is aimed at characterizing and identifying the presence, sources and possible effects of acid precipitation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a highly urbanized area. In addition, the modifying effect of the overland flow process (runoff) on acid precipitation is evaluated for a predominantly impervious drainage area influenced by high traffic density and industrial effects. The source of acid precipitation can be traced to increased sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions. These can transform into strong acids in the atmosphere. The major sources of these constituents in the U.S. appear to be the power production industry.



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