Date of Award

Summer 1959

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Initially, the problem was stated thusly: to investigate transistor multivibrators for the purpose of determining the effect on the response of the circuit due to circuit parameter variations. Subsequently, the problem was expanded to include a quick, simple graphical analysis of design that is just as accurate as the graphical analyses consulted in the literature. First, a graphical analysis is carried forward for a single transistor binary, as an introduction to the two-transistor binary. From these considerations, the evaluation of the two-transistor binary (so essential to electronic computer operations) is made from its graphical characteristics. After analysis, experiments were conducted to determine the highest pulse repetition rate the binary would respond to, the factors limiting high speed performance, and the manner in which switching speed could be increased.



Restricted Access Item

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