Date of Award

Spring 1965

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, J. K.

Second Advisor

Battocletti, Joseph H.

Third Advisor

Horgan, J. D.


In the field of precision distance measurements there is a need for linear measurement devices that combine the precision of classical interferometers and the ruggedness and simplicity of conventional machine shop equipment, such as strain gauges, linear variable differential transformers, and so on. The purpose of this thesis is to describe a crystal laser device that is proposed to meet the above requirements. The device is analyzed in both a qualitative and quantitative manner and compared with existing competitive devices. This analysis shows that the device will give a variation in output amplitude for a corresponding change in optical cavity length at precision of at least ±50 microinches. A detailed design of the experimental equipment necessary to verify the operating principles is presented; and a recommended experimental procedure and analysis of thermal effects is also given. In addition to the application mentioned above the device may also find application as a readout for spherical-rotor gyros. Other possible applications are also mentioned.



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