Date of Award

Spring 1965

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, Thomas K.

Second Advisor

Horgan, J. D.

Third Advisor

Moeller, Arthur C.


The readout speed of an implementation used to educe information from a ferrite memory is limited by the speed of the interrogating signal, the switching characteristics of the magnetic material used, and the bandwidth of the implementation. Thus, the wide bandwidth inherent in many microwave implementations rather naturally motivates investigation of microwave phenomena as a means to achieve high speed memory readout. The scope of the investigation reported herein concerns: (1) a consideration of basic ferrimagnetic microwave phenomena and transmission device characteristics so as to select a microwave configuration for readout of ferrite memory storage, and (2) analytical and experimental investigations to determine the operational nature of the readout. Results are presented which illustrate the dependence of the microwave readout upon physical, electrical, and magnetic parameters of the configuration. The microwave readout is shown to be bipolar and experimental readout times as short as 3 nanoseconds are given.



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