Date of Award

Summer 1987

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Niederjohn, Russell J.

Second Advisor

Heinen, James A.

Third Advisor

Doerr, Thomas A.


In this thesis research, formant frequency extraction from both clean and degraded speech signals has been explored. Three methods for the determination of the first three formant frequencies (based on linear prediction analysis, homomorphic filtering and zero-crossing consistency) were independently implemented, modified and evaluated. These methods were tested with thirty utterances which consisted of the combination of five sentences, six people (three male and three female), and eight signal-to-noise ratios (69, 9, 6, 3, 0, -3, -6, -9dB). The results of the experimental tests of these three formant frequency extraction methods are presented.



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