Date of Award

Fall 1992

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ishii, Thomas K.

Second Advisor

Heinen, James A.

Third Advisor

Richie, James E.


Microstrip tuning stubs at microwave frequencies should ideally be straight and perpendicular to the microstrip transmission line. It may be necessary, however, to bend the stub due to size constraints of the circuit. The problem is to characterize a bent microstrip tuning stub. If the bent stub is in close proximity to the microstrip transmission line being tuned, there may be coupling effects. The method used to analyze the electromagnetic fields of this structure is known as the spectral domain approach (SDA). The results of the analysis are compared to the measured scattering parameters of a bent stub circuit. From the comparison of the theoretical data to the experimental data conclusions will be made about the validity of the SDA method for the bent microstrip stub structure. A bent stub microstrip circuit is analyzed by using the SDA method to find the scattering parameters S11 and S21. The circuit is analyzed in 51 equally spaced points from 50 MHz to 3 GHz. The circuit is measured with a network analyzer for the same frequency range and at the same frequency points as the SDA method. The results of the calculated (SDA) data and the measured data are then plotted on the same graph for each parameter. The plots show the phase and magnitude of the calculated and measured results. Conclusions are then drawn about the validity of the SDA method for calculating the scattering parameters of the bent stub microstrip stub circuit. For comparison, a straight stub circuit and a straight microstrip transmission line circuit were analyzed with the SDA method. The results were then compared to measurements of actual circuits. Conclusions are then made about comparison of the calculated data and the measured data for these circuits.



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