Date of Award

Summer 1976

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Hirthe, W. M.

Second Advisor

Fournelle, Raymond

Third Advisor

Blumenthal, Robert


The primary goal of this research was to develop some feeling for the feasibility of producing a ceramic metallic bond which would lend itself to the development of a Stainless Steel Hip Prosthesis which would be fixed in place by virtue of bone ingrowth into a porous ceramic stem. As is evidenced by the results, this step was somewhat large for the present stage of development of the Calcium Phosphate material and the results are not extremely promising for this type of application. Future research should be aimed at better characterization of this material with respect to biodegradability and implants where high stresses are not encountered.



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