Date of Award

Spring 1987

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




When cephalometric measurement SNA varies by more than one standard deviation from the normative value, measurement ANB has been shown to be misleading. Several other cephalometric indicators of anteroposterior spacial assessment have been proposed in the orthodontic literature, however, it is unclear which of the currently available cephalometric measurements is the most efficacious at determining the degree of anteroposterior skeletal dysplasia given a certain variation of SNA. A group of white adult females with ANB differences of +5° or more were divided into three groups of 20 subjects/group. The three test groups were determined on the basis of SNA magnitude with SNA values of "formula". A control group was composed of the 16 subjects making up the 18 year old female Bolton Standard. Eleven cephalometric measurements that are used for determining anteroposterior discrepancy were considered for this study. Mean values for each test group were computed and Z-scores, based on the Bolton Standard mean were calculated. Analysis of Variance testing was performed to determine inter-group differences for each cephalometric variable mean Z-score value. The results demonstrated significant differences for all eleven cephalometric mean Z-scores when low and medium SNA test groups were compared to the Bolton control. When SNA was greater than 86, all of the cephalometric variables were statistically different "formula" from the control except for SNB and NP-FH...



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