Date of Award

Fall 1986

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Dhuru, Virendra B.

Second Advisor

Deshotels, Warren

Third Advisor

Brantley, William A.


The use of visible light cured restorative resins in dentistry has become extremely popular. Several brands of composite resins and visible light curing units are available on the market. There are variations in the abilities of the different brands of commercial lights to polymerize the different light-activated resin systems. This is due to differences in intensity and spectral distribution of the curing light, the absorption coefficient of the restorative material, and the thickness of the resin restorations. The purpose of this study was to obtain relevant information about some of the optical properties of the curing lights and restorative resin materials. In the first part of this study, the wavelength distribution spectrum of different brands of curing light units were analyzed using a photometer. The wavelength distribution ranged from 350 nm to 550 nm and the peaks ranged from 470 nm to 490 nm. In the second part of the study, the transmission of light in the wavelength range of 340 nm to 700 nm, through resin specimens of varying thickness and shades was determined with a spectrophotometer. The percent transmission of light through resin specimens increased with increasing wavelength. In the third and final part of the study, correlation between the intensity of light transmitted through the resin specimens and degree of cure as determined by Barcol hardness values was determined. The correlation values ranged from 0.56 to 0.98. Relatively greater correlation values were found for the darker shades than for the lighter shades of a dental restorative resin. Regardless of the shade of the resin, the surface of the resin closest to the curing light was cured to a greater degree than the surface away from the curing light. The latter also showed differences in degree of cure based on the shade.



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