Date of Award

Fall 1992

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering


Three mathematical models of the linkage dynamics in an upright quiet standing human are developed. The standing human is modeled in the sagittal plane as one-segment, two-segment, and three-segment linkages. These models are used to study the effect of respiration on the stable standing position. Respiration is simulated as a sinusoidal displacement of the location of the center of mass of the top segment in each model. The equations derived in all three models are second order differential equations. These equations are reduced to a set of first order differential equations. A fourth order Runge Kutta method (RK4) is used to solve the set of first order differential equations obtained. A predetermined accuracy in the solution is achieved by exerting some adaptive control over the progress of (RK4) by making frequent changes in the step size. Microsoft C6.0 is used to compile all the above three routines on an IBM 386 machine to generate our simulations. The program generates time series for the angles, the angular velocities, and the projection of Center Of Gravity (COG) of the model on the ground. The projection of COG obtained is compared with the anterior-posterior coordinate of the Center Of Pressure.



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