Date of Award

Spring 1962

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering


The purpose of this thesis is two fold. First, to investigate the electric conduction processes occurring in a dielectric fluid and to study, in particular, the conduction processes in the ion drag pump. Second, to obtain, theoretically and experimentally, the pressure-current relation valid for static operation of the ion drag pump. In chapter one, the three principles involved in dielectric fluid motion are discussed. A review of' the literature on electro-hydrodynamics is included. Introduction to the ion drag pump and the associated experimental equipment is also included in this chapter. In chapter two all conduction processes that possibly occur in a dielectric fluid due to ionization and emission are discussed. In chapter three the ion drag pump configuration is analyzed to obtain the conduction process for this device. In chapter four the pressure-current relation for the ion drag pump is derived and experimentally verified. In chapter five a brief review of the findings is made and suggestions for further research in the area of electro-hydrodynamics and the ion drag pump is also included.



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