Date of Award

Spring 1988

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering


BaTiO3 ceramic samples were fabricated and polarized under different conditions. Porous BaTi03 ceramic samples at 15 to 31% porosity were made using naphthalene particles as pore-forming agent. The piezoelectric and dielectric properties were measured and a theoretical model was developed (to explain the piezoelectric property of porous BaTiO3 ceramic. The above experimental results confirm the theoretical model. An in-vivo implant experiment was performed to investigate the effect of piezoelectric BaTiO3 on osteogenesis. The piezoelectric property of BaTiO3 did not lead to any measurable change in the rate of bone formation. The piezoelectric output of BaTiO3 ceramic was measured while assembled as an in-vitro implant. A mathematical prediction of the piezoelectric current generated from BaTiO3 in-vivo implant has been made on the basis of the in-vitro results at two frequencies of cyclic loading.



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