Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

James K. Bahcall

Second Advisor

Kris Olsen

Third Advisor

Joe Gaffney


The purpose of this preliminary in vitro study was to compare the ability of two techniques to fill vertical root fractures (VRF) wit h De Puy 3 bone cement (De Puy, Warsaw, WI), a low viscosity polymethal methacrylate. Extracted single rooted teeth had their canals prepared with Profile® O.S. Orifice Opener Files and 0.06 Taper ISO Profiles® (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK). VRF which started in the apex and extended coronaly where then created. The teeth were randomly divided into two groups. To compact the bone cement Group 1 utilized a metal plugger while Group 2 utilized a soft polyvinyl siloxane plugger (PVSP). In both groups the apical foramen was sealed with a small gutta percha (GP) plug coated with sealer to direct the flow of the bone cement laterally into the vertical fracture. The bone cement was delivered into the canal with a syringe that was placed down to the apica l GP plug and slowly withdrawn as the canal was filled. The teeth were sectioned perpendicular to the long axis. A cross section from the coronal, middle, and apical third of each tooth was prepared for microscopic analysis. Digital image measurements of the depth of penetration of the bone cement into the VRFs were performed. Statistical analysis was performed using the log of the percentage penetration of the bone cement in at-Test assuming unequal variances. Group 2 (n=72 ) demon strateda greater mean penet ration depth in all three regions when compared to group 1 (n=43) , and a 22% overall increase. Group 1 had an average depth of penetratio n of 1.21 mm. Group 2 had an average depth of penetration of 1.56 mm, a difference of 0.35 mm which was statistically significant (p< 0.05). The results demonstrate that a soft polyvinyl siloxane plugger is better than a metal plugger when attempting to fill VRF with low viscosity bone cement.



Restricted Access Item

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