Date of Award

Spring 1941

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




In all the investigation of red and white muscle in the last fifty years, one observation alone remains unchallenged. That is the law that the more continuous the activity, the redder the muscle. Its quick, hopping motion--a hop and a pause--is characteristic of the action of white muscle. Its heart which beats continuously is practically the only red muscle in the animal. The bird that uses its wings almost continuously has red pectoral muscles. The breast of the fluttering domestic hen is composed of "white meat". In the lower mammalian forms some muscles are almost entirely white and others, entirely red. Phylogenetically, the higher the animal, the more mixed is its skeletal muscle, until, in the study of the muscles of man one finds that nearly all muscles are of the mixed variety. In the rabbit, certain muscles of the hind leg are clearly white: semimembranosus, adductor magnus; and others, red: semitendinosus, soleus. It is the rabbit, therefore, that has been used most as experimental animal in the anatomical and physiological study of red and white muscle...



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