Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Jerome J. DeCasse

Second Advisor

W. Schulte

Third Advisor

John Paul Kampine


Iliofemoral venous thrombosis poses a triple threat to the afflicted individual. Should a fragment of thrombus become dislodged, pulmonary embolism results. A second immediate complication may be the development of phlegmasia cerulea dolens, possibly due to massive extension of the thrombosis. The morbidity and mortality of this disease, in terms of gangrenous extremities necessitating amputation, . or shock as a result of extensive sequestration of fluid into the involved limb, are disastrous. Thirdly is the postphlebitic syndrome. This complex represents the late sequela of the crippling valvular destruction which results from thrombosis and re-canalization of veins.

Thrombectomy has been proposed as a means of management of iliofemoral thrombophlebitis. There is, however, poor correlation between the early postoperative clinical course, and angiographic studies; that is, a significant incidence of re-thrombosis has been found. The reasons for this high incidence have not been fully elucidated, however venous trauma, residual thrombus, a hypercoagulable state, and the fact that the original focus of phlebitis is still present, all may be factors.

It was thought that attention might be directed towards more effective cleansing of the venous tree, in order to decrease the amount of residual thrombus which might serve as a nidus of thrombus propagation.




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