Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

Walter Zeit

Second Advisor

P.F. Swindle

Third Advisor

Clement A. Fox


The limbic lobe has been thought by many to be an olfactory center because of its connection with the anterior thalamic nuclei. Walker ('37), in his treatment of the anterior nuclei of chimpanzee, goes along with this belief. The author has been unable to find clear cut evidence for this postulation. The anterior nuclei has subcortical connections with the mammillary bodies and also has connections with the limbic lobe. It has not been determined that the corpora mammillare is olfactory in function. It is evident that the limbic lobe is not olfactory. Therefore, it has not been adequately demonstrated that the limbic lobe nor the anterior nuclei are olfactory centers.

This thesis is concerned with the demonstration of a cortico-thalamic route from area 23 to the anterior nuclei. Also in supplement a study of the geographical boundary of the anterior thalamic nuclei was made.



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