Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

M. Laskowski

Second Advisor

C.R. Haymaker

Third Advisor

Armand J. Quick


Since the principles and methods of physical chemistry have been applied to the study of biological materials, a new insight into the nature of these substances has been gained. An example of such a method is the electrophoretic technique. Although the phenomenon of electrophoresis has been known for about 140 years, it is only in the last twelve years that the method has been sufficiently developed to gain wide use.

In view of the growing importance of electrophoretic data in the study of proteins, the use of the method is especially valuable in the investigation of new proteins. The purpose of this thesis is to study the electrophoretic behavior of a new proteolytic enzyme, chymotrypsin B, and its zymogen to check the purity of these substances and to clarify the relationship of this enzyme to other enzymes of the chymotrypsin group.



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