Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

G. Ray

Second Advisor

Dean C. Jeutter

Third Advisor

Ronald Jodat


This thesis addresses the problem of providing a quantitative analysis of left ventricular function through the use of two-dimensional echocardiography. A digitized image of the left ventricle is obtained from a clinical ultrasonograph at end diastole and end systole. Several image enhancement methods are applied to these images to enhance the left ventricular endocardial border. A quantitative analysis of left ventricular volume, expressed as ejection fraction is obtained from the enhanced. images. a significant correlation is found between the ejection fraction determination from the enhanced images and the ejection fraction determination made by an echocardiographer from the original unenhanced images. A technique for the characterization of tissue based on its echogenic property is also presented.



Restricted Access Item

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