Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Howard M. Klitgaard

Second Advisor


Third Advisor

James J. Smith


Within the past fifteen years, I131-labeled thyroxine has been extensively used in studying the degradation and elimination of the thyroxine molecule in .the excretory routes of both animals and humans. Because the detection or I131-activity does not always indicate the presence of the intact thyroxine molecule, abnormally high levels of excretion for this compound have appeared in the linterature (sic). The recent availability of cl4-labeled thyroxine has opened a new approach to the study of this problem. The present study was carried out primarily to make a comparative analysis with previously reported results, and secondly to establish the effect or altered thyroid states on the metabolism of thyroxine.



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