Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Alvin F. Rieck

Second Advisor

Robert W. Rasch

Third Advisor

William J. Stekiel


As scientists become more aware of the complex problems in biological science, they turn to simpler systems for study. With the advent of new techniques in biochemistry, cytology and microbiology, the great interest turned toward cancer research, and the realization that we were reaching a point of diminishing returns from study at the organismic level, investigators from various disciplines began to focus on the cell itself with the desire of understanding its fundamental mechanisms. Certainly this sound research of the cell and its molecular constituents has been most fruitful, but we are still a considerable distance from the goal of complete understanding.

In the, present study, interest centered around the phenomenon of ultraviolet induced cleavage delay in developing echinoderm eggs and the mitigation of this delay with visible light (photoreactivation). It was hoped that by understanding the mechanism of these effects, more could be learned about the mitotic events and possibly DNA synthesis. Five experimental approaches were utilized: 1) The delay response of zygotes formed with irradiated gametes kept in the dark and in the light, 2) The delay in zygotes formed from irradiated and non-irradiated gamete combinations, 3) A study of the possible reactivating power of certain additives on sperm, 4) Changes in sensitivity of zygotes fertilized with irradiated sperm to photoreactivating light, and 5) The mitotic time schedule for normal and irradiated zygotes.



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