Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Alvin F. Rieck

Second Advisor

Howard M. Klitgaard

Third Advisor

William J. Stekiel


"In vitro" tissue slices imbibe water from isotonic media when inhibited metabolically. The amount of swelling is directly proportional to the degree which tissue metabolism is interfered with, and is a process which is reversible. Reports of similar phenomena in living animals are limited to two conflicting publications. One demonstrates a decrease in the extracellular space of rats and dogs after inhibiting metabolism with cyanide and carbon monoxide . The other shows no change in blood volume and interstitial space of dogs subjected to respiratory hypoxia.

In view of. these conflicting reports of in vivo work, additional information is needed to clarify the response of the extracellular fluid to acute respiratory hypoxia.

In this investigation quantitative measurements of changes in the extracellular volume during acute hypoxia will be made. Inulin or thiocyanate will be used as a measure of extracellular volume. Oxygen saturations will be done to determine if levels of saturation can be correlated with changes in extracellular space. In addition, an attempt to test the reversibility of the process will be made.



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