Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Lyle Hamilton

Second Advisor

Alvin F. Rieck

Third Advisor

Henry F. Edelhauser


It is known that the introduction of carbon dioxide through either inhalation or infusion causes an increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and lowers the pH of the blood. Hamilton et al. in 1967, assessed the effects of hypercapnia, acidosis and hypoxia on pulmonary hemo-dynamics in dogs. The intravenous infusion of 10 ml/Kg•min of carbon dioxide alone, and in the presence of an organic buffer THAM during 100% O2 breathing, allowed the effect of hypercapnia to be studied with and without accompanying acidosis and hypoxia. Jones studied the effects of intravenous and intra-arterial carbon dioxide infusion on both the ventilatory and the vascular responses of the pulmonary system.

This study combined the techniques of Hamilton et al. in separating the effects of hypercapnia on pulmonary hemodynamics, and extended it to include the parameters of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion studied by Jones et al. during carbon dioxide infusion.

The purpose of the study was to separate the effects of increased PCO2 and decreased pH of the blood on the following parameters: pulmonary diffusing capacity, percent of blood shunted around the gas exchange capillaries in the lungs, breathing frequency, total minute ventilation, anatomical dead space, tidal volume, PAO2, PaO2, PACO2, PaCO2, A-a PO2 gradient, a-A PCO2 gradient, volume of O2 inspired, volume of CO2 expired, respiratory exchange ratio, pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery wedge pressure, and systemic arterial pressure.



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