Date of Award

Spring 2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

De St. Aubin, Ed

Second Advisor

Magnus, Brooke

Third Advisor

Torres, Lucas


There is a large body of evidence indicating physical and mental health disparities among marginalized populations. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between identity dimensions, gender conformity, and well-being. I anticipated that identification with a marginalized identity group would predict poorer satisfaction with life, compared to identification with a privileged group. In addition, I investigated the role of gender conformity as a possible interaction variable in the relationship between identity factors (assigned sex, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation) and outcomes of satisfaction with life. A hierarchical multiple regression was used to investigate these hypotheses. Results indicated that identification with various marginalized groups significantly predicted lower satisfaction with life, including identifying as younger, female, Black, bisexual, and endorsing lower gender conformity. Findings also suggest that the relationship between age and well-being differs slightly by level of gender conformity. The potential distress associated with being a young, gender-nonconformer may be alleviated in part with age. Gender conformity was not a significant moderator between any other identity variables (sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation) and satisfaction with life. Strengths, limitations, future directions, and implications are discussed. Overall, the findings provided by this study highlight the continued need to combat identity-based inequalities and minimize disparities in well-being.