"Cultural Values, Gender Roles, Hispanic, Latine, Latinx, Sexism" by Erick Herrera Hernandez

Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Oswald, Debra

Second Advisor

D'Anna-Hernandez, Kimberly

Third Advisor

Grych, John


Latine cultural values may present elements of hostile and benevolent sexism that overlap with patriarchal gender expectations that maintain gender norms. Despite extensive research linking hostile and benevolent sexism with negative outcomes, few studies have focused on Latine samples. Understanding how Latines perceive sexist behavior is an important step towards addressing the negative effects of sexism in Latine communities. This study examined the relationship between Latine cultural values and perceptions of hostile and benevolent sexist behavior. Participants were presented with fourteen scenarios reflecting hostile and benevolent sexist behavior and were asked to rate these scenarios on a variety of traits, including perceptions of sexism and characteristics of caring. The findings suggest that Latine men and women may be more likely to perceive benevolent sexist behaviors as less sexist and more caring than hostile sexist behaviors. Latine women may also be more likely than Latine men to identify sexist behaviors as sexist, regardless of sexism type. Additionally, Latine cultural values were found to be associated with how hostile and benevolent sexist behaviors are perceived. These findings lend support to previous conceptualizations of Ambivalent Sexism Theory and Chicana feminist theories which suggests that hostile and benevolent sexism function within Latine cultural values to uphold gender divisions. This study contributes to this conceptualization by addressing the role of Latine cultural values in how sexist interactions are perceived by Latine men and women and highlights the strengths within these values that can be used to address issues of sexism within Latine communities.

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Psychology Commons