Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Thomas P. Whelan


This paper aims to make a brief survey of Romantic currents in Eighteenth Century English poetry. The writer has confined her study to the minor poets of the age, whose works are so frequently neglected by the student of literature. This fact accounts for the omission of any reference to the poems of Robert Burns, which properly constitute a group for separate study. The plan of the work is to show how the Romantic movement received its earliest impulses in the century which preceded the so-called "Romantic Age," a century dominated by the spirit of reason and common sense, an "Age of Prose," as it has been often designated.

The writer has attempted to so digest and arrange the · voluminous material to be found upon the subject, as to make a convenient guide to a clear understanding of the chief characteristics of early Romantic poetry. Accordingly, I have divided the material into three main sections, with an introductory chapter and a summary of the salient points. The introduction contains a review of the main features of neo-classical poetry, a brief historic background, and a discussion of the term "Romanticism." The main material of the thesis is included under the three chapter headings: "Change in Form," "Change in Subject-Matter,n and "Change in Spirit."


A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
