Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)




In every age literature, whether it be poetry, prose, or criticism, has attracted to its ranks many a brilliant intellect. Some enthusiasts have devoted but a portion of their time and efforts while others have spent entire lives in its service. In the latter group stands Walter Pater, a most interesting and distinguished figure among the many who graced that no less interesting and romantic nineteenth century. When he was about nineteen years old, Pater went to Oxford and there resided until his death in 1894. He was extremely reticent by nature although it has been conclusively pointed out that Pater entered into some remarkably intimate and lasting friendships with Dombrain, McQueen, Richard Jacks on, Richard Robinson, and M.B. Morehouse.


A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Liberal Arts School, Marquette University, in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts.
