"Internal Pressure and Related Physical Properties" by Eugene Ceperley

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

Scott L. Kittsley

Second Advisor

John R. Koch

Third Advisor

Virgil Roach


What is internal pressure? That question has never been answered in a satisfactory manner. Probably the best answer is the simple statement that it is a measure of the attraction between molecules. While this is true it gives no indication of what causes the attractive force or of the effects which this attraction has on a substance.

In this thesis an attempt will be made to use this vague definition of internal pressure to find a method of calculating internal pressure using data for various physical properties. The liquid state of various substances will be considered. A relationship which holds in the liquid state ''should hold in the solid or gaseous state with some possible modifications taking into account the energy absorbed or given off as a substance changes from one state to another.


A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts Marquette University in Partial. Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor or Science

Included in

Chemistry Commons
