"The Peroxide Numbers of Vegetable Oils" by Robert J. Bruce

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

John R. Koch


A survey of the literature will indicate that the peroxide numbers of fats and oils are of importance in ii many industries. The dairy, fish oil, vegetable oil, and meat processing industries all have use for peroxide number determinations. as a measure of the degree of rancidity of their products. The paint industry has used it in the study of protective coatings, and the textile industry has used it in the study of the lubrication of fibers. All of these uses were applied to the study of partial oxidation of the samples under consideration.

Since the various methods in use for iodine number determinations do not give reproducible results in the determination of the unsaturation of fats and oils, it is the purpose of this investigation to determine whether or not the degree of unsaturation of a fat or oil can be determined by a peroxide number determination. This would be a new use for the peroxide number. The author intends to oxidize several oil:s by various methods and then determine their peroxygen content by means of the Kokatnur and Jelling method.


A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

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Chemistry Commons
