"The Saintly Father Benedict, Head and Protector of All the Monks in th" by Emerentiana Braml

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

F. X. Nebrich


Benedict, "The Blessed One", by grace and name, was indeed a man of venerable life. From the very time of his boyhood he guarded his heart like an aged person. Though regulating his manner of living according to the custom of his state, his heart never gave way to passion. Even while still in the world, where he was able to temporal things freely, he already looked down upon this barren earth with tears.

Born of noble parentage in the district of Nursia, Benedict was brought to Rome for the study of letters. Noticing, while there, that many of his companions were rushing into vice, he withdrew his foot which he had just placed upon the threshold of the world. Since he feared that, while acquiring some of her knowledge, he wold afterwards wander wholly into the depths of the abyss, he sacrificed the study of letters. Desiring only to please God, he left the home and estate of his father and begged for the religious habit. He withdrew ignorant, it is true, of worldly learning, but well versed in true wisdom instead.


Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Undergraduate School, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

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Religion Commons
