Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Political Science


Once the sword of power has been drawn, it can never again be sheathed. The United States has become the greatest of world powers and, willing or not, must maintain the difficult and challenging role of world leadership. Unless America becomes old, soft, and incompetent, she will be called upon, time after time, to defend and aid the free world against the various forms of totalitarian aggression. Since the turn of the twentieth century, the United States has fought in two World Wars plus the Korean incident. We have been alerted numerous times by threats of war from the current oppressor of freedom, the Union of Soviet Socialistic Russia. This country is equal in strength, or at least near equal, to the United States. In addition to these threats, there were times when this country should have aided the cause of freedom but failed to act at all. If there is one matter that deserves attention more than any other, it is our national security and the defense of freedom. It comes close to determining the levels of our annual budget (two of every three dollars spent by our Federal Government go to defense purposes) thereby setting the requirements of taxes. It is on military struggle, economic struggle, political struggle, and scientific struggle. We must not only be strong in military power but we must continue to become stronger. We must be strong not only to protect ourselves but the rest of the free world where we have world-wide commitments. We have alliances which call for defense of ten nations of Western Europe, Canada, Greece, Turkey, Latin America, the Philippines, and other sectors of the world. Few Americans realize just how far we have gone with our commitments which were definitely necessary and made to combat Soviet Aggression. These treaties have forced the United States to take on heavy military obligations. Every additional pact will bring with it added obligations.


Senior Thesis, Political Science
