Date of Award
Degree Type
Bachelors Essay
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
First Advisor
Maynard W. Brown
In a work of this length justice could not be done to a subject as important as libel. Therefore, a limitation is set to include only two phases: a thorough definition of libel, what constitutes it and how it arises; and a setting forth of defenses.
It is endeavored to present a basic knowledge of libel as limited to the phases explained above. To bring this about without going into an unusual length of presentation, four chief sources of material are used; namely, two volumes on newspaper libel and two works of a purely legal nature dealing with the subject.* For this as a reason, and also because a newspaper is so much concerned with the danger of defamation, it will be noticed that libel as it affects a newspaper is intentionally dealt with.
Therefore, wherever a principle concerning the subject could be more clearly explained by material out of any one of the given sources that material was given preference. In that manner, an attempt has been made to arrive at a comprehensive, though probably not an extensive, treatment of the subject of this thesis.
Recommended Citation
Bednarski, Harry M., "Libel and Its Defenses" (1930). Bachelors’ Theses. 401.
A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Journalism, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy.