Date of Award
Degree Type
Bachelors Essay
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
First Advisor
R.A. Bournique
The determination of fluorine has been an important analytical problem for some time. Volumetric, gravimetric and instrumental methods have been used with some degree of success. Each of these methods have been limited in some way and no completely satisfactory method for the determination of fluorine has been found. The most popular of these methods is the determination of fluorine as lead chloride fluoride. This method has the advantage of giving reasonably accurate results and the lead chloride fluoride precipitate gives an excellent conversion factor for fluorine due to its high molecular weight. The procedure requires no special or expensive laboratory equipment and, therefore, may be carried out in almost any analytical laboratory. The accuracy of this method has been limited by the coprecipitation of several lead salts. To overcome these difficulties, recently a low pH method has been developed under which this precipitation may be carried out. Although boron was found to interfere at low pH, less interference was experienced from the coprecipitation of lead salts. The purpose of this research is to see if this method may be applied to the precipitation of lead bromide fluoride. The higher molecular weight of the lead bromide fluoride provides a better conversion factor for fluorine and a greater sensitivity for this method would be expected. The ultimate goal of this research will be twofold: 1) to determine the proper control of the variables, which affect this precipitation and 2) to determine if the method may be accurately controlled with boron present.
Recommended Citation
Freund, David W., "A Study of the Precipitation of Lead Bromide Fluoride at Low pH Values in the Presence of Boron" (1968). Bachelors’ Theses. 457.
A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science