Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

Edward J. Menge


A great deal of work has been expended on the study of the functions of the spleen, and the results obtained have, for the most part, been disappointing. Unlike most other organs of the body, the spleen is not easily accessible to study either by means of its physiological effects or by chemical tests to determine its functional activity, and this is especially true in regard to any secretions it may pour out. Since the spleen has no external secretion, and no known internal secretion has as yet been definitely proved the results of its activity cannot easily be studied directly. Then too, investigations on the spleen are made difficult by virtue of the fact that the spleen is part of a larger system, so that one may always object to any finding on the assumption that any defiences in its activity may always be compensated for by other members of the system .


Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, Marquette University.
