Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Social and Cultural Sciences

First Advisor

Paul J. Mundie


The purpose of this thesis has been to collect the scattered source materials available on crime in the history of Milwaukee. No accurate records have been kept through the years, arid the system of keeping the data has been changed from time to time. For many years, the Police kept the records and later the Clerk of Courts took over the work and with the change different standards were applied. For the convenience of future studies, it seems desirable to gather all these data.

The data were found scattered over the city. Some records were found in the Police Department, others in the files of the Clerk of Courts, still others found in the Municipal Reference Library and the Milwaukee Public Library.

Although many of the tables were not available to present a more complete thesis, the tables contained herein are numerous enough to present valuable data for future use and study.

This thesis contains all the available tables of arrests, convictions, social conditions and ages of prisoners. These tables can be used as a source of future study on various phases of crime in Milwaukee from 1868 to 1936.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty or the College of Liberal Arts of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy Milwaukee, Wisconsin
